This is not any how-to, but at least you cas see how to access them.
First you must remove both parts of airbox. the each hold 3 screws.
Start with the front one:

then remove those 3 screws and pull out the main part of airbox. Prior to this, I removed the air filter. There is it is:

Next step is pretty straight forward, as you can see on following images.
overal view at the "naked" top:

remove the cable, unscrew and pull out:

as you can see, there is NGK IFR6A-11 which is one of the two recommended spark plugs (iridium only).

I am not sure, but i think one my spark plugs might not be firing. My Lexus was driving smoothly 2 days ago and now suddenly it is vibrating, doesn't idle as smoothly as before and lack of power. also strong smell of fuel while driving. Car starts fine. So i am thinking it might be the plugs as i have never ever changed them.
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